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Introduction to Management 

The Unit 3 Assignment relates to the steps in the process of delegation, as described in Chapter 7 of the text. For this assignment, again consider the company you selected in Unit 1. Your chosen company is experiencing very rapid growth, which has required managers to find more efficient means of getting work done. Human Resources Vice-President, Philip Thomas is tasked with drafting a new policy regarding employee sick leave for the company. In order to meet the deadline, set by senior management, Thomas must delegate the preparation of the policy to his team, to be presented to him for final review.

Assignment Checklist:

Review Exhibit 7.5 from your textbook.
Identify the steps in the process for effective delegation.
Describe how you would advise VP Thomas to apply each step of the process to the delegation of the policy creation.
Utilize at least one external source as part of your research. This could be your textbook or another resource found in the university library.
Your submission should include a title page, introduction, main body, conclusion, and reference list.
The paper should be at least two double-spaced pages in length using size 12-point font.

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Introduction to Management: The Case of Walt Disney Company


Delegation refers to the process of task subdivision to various members/employees of an organization, usually from a superior to subordinates (Bell, 2016). The company that was initially selected for the assignment is Walt Disney and has been experiencing consistent growth over time. The Human Resource Vice-President of the company, Philip Thomas, decides to delegate a task on policy formulation to employees to meet the management's stringent deadline. This paper, therefore, highlights the steps in the delegation process and how the VP can apply these processes to delegate the task of policy formulation for employee sick leave.        

Steps in the process for effective delegation

            The process of effective delegation has the following steps:

Prepare: This step involves thoughtful preparation of the task that a superior intends to ask of a subordinate. The work scope should be identified, and the employee with the relevant skill to whom the job should be assigned. This employee should have the ability, time and capacity to do the work. Finally, the preparation stage should ensure that the task is assigned to only one person to avoid replication and confusion among employees.

Assign: The step involves handing over the deliverables with required timelines, budget and context. The expectations are set at this stage, where communication and updates are set (frequency, content, channel, e.g. email or in-person).

Describe and confirm understanding: The superior must not assume the employee automatically understands the task. Here, effective communication is used to describe the expected results and have the employee paraphrase the requirements in their own words. This step gives the subordinate authority to use the tools and resources required for the task.

Again, this step involves clarifying misunderstandings or questions raised, and the superior provide the required resources. The employee also commits to deliver on the delegated task.

            Accountability: According to Marume (2016), accountability refers to giving a progress report for the task. A superior who delegated the task does not separate themselves from the task and are responsible for finding out if the work was delivered or not delivered in time and of the required standards. Whereas the superior is responsible for the overall performance of the overall task(s) delegated, an employee is responsible for completing a specific task entrusted to them.

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How I would advise the VP to apply each step for task delegation

            Before starting the delegation process, I would advise the VP to prepare the task and define the policy document's scope and understand what he is about to ask the employee. I would also recommend the VP consider giving the task to an employee who understands policy formulation, employee welfare and legislation on employee rights and privileges regarding leaves. Secondly, I would advise the HR vice-president to clearly state the deliverables and due date for the assignment stage task. He should also clearly state the frequency of communication and give clear communication channels for a progress report, where the employee can use emails or meet the VP in person.

            I would also advise the VP to ensure that the employee understands the task of policy formulation being assigned to them and ask them questions like," if you were to assign this task to another employee, what would you tell them?" He should also give the employee authority to access and use the required tools, equipment, and personnel and financial resources. I would advise him on the importance of answering the employee's questions to seek clarification. Finally, I would recommend that the responsibility of ensuring the policy is successfully formulated solely rests on him. He must regularly ask for updates and check the policy's quality during review before approving and forwarding it to the management.


            The delegation process has four critical processes; preparation, assignment, description and confirmation of understanding, and accountability. All these need to be followed by superiors when delegating their subordinates a task. They must be aware of the overall responsibility for the task being allocated as they do not separate themselves from the task but just delegating authority.






Bell, R. L. (2016). A GENERAL THEORY OF DELEGATION, ACCOUNTABILITY AND EMPOWERMENT. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 12(2), 163-188

Marume, A. (2016). The essence of the principle of delegation of authority. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, 4(6), 10-14.

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